Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What the Romp??

A couple of months ago, I was shopping for a cute dress to wear during my Miami trip. Instead of a cute dress, I found a cute romper.

In the dressing room, I thoroughly debated the pros and cons of wearing a romper.

Pros: I look cute. 
Cons: How do I pee?

It was a really thorough debate, let me tell you.

Cute vs. bodily functions. If I were a man, the romper would have gone back to the rack faster than Lindsay Lohan could... all right, we'll keep it classy. 

But I'm a woman. Looking cute is a top priority.

So, the romper came home with me.

While I was in Miami, I tried on the romper, and I seriously wondered, "How the hell am I supposed to pee in this?"

Dressing room debate, fail.

Let's add this one to the "What the hell was I thinking?" pile of clothes.

Romper manufacturers, please add a pee hole to the crotch area of all rompers. Thank you.

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